American Cemetery & Cremation
Artist Talk at Mount Auburn
Audience Response
“Roberto Mighty's brilliant work reveals the connections between Mt. Auburn Cemetery's sublime landscape and the lives of those within." - Bob Nesson, Filmmaker
“In his Earth.Sky film / meditation on the Mount Auburn Cemetery inhabitants and landscape, Roberto Mighty has managed to make death look appealing.” - Beverly Sky, Artist
Roberto Mighty has collected together and invested his multitude of talents toward his latest video series, "Earth.Sky." With gentleness and loving sensitivity, he focuses on the richness and beauty of Mount Auburn Cemetery, moving the viewer through seasons, dawn, day, dusk, night, thoroughly researched stories of the deceased, interviews with the living, animals, trees, flowers and, of course, gravestones--all accompanied by carefully selected, moving music. The overall effect, is a sense of celebration of life of which death is only one stage. Viewing "Earth.Sky" is a rich, rewarding, and memorable experience that should be shared and discussed in both religious and secular settings. - Judith White, Author
I honestly didn't know what to expect because "cemetery" and "art" together have not crossed my radar before. As I watched, and listened, I felt a variety of emotions; compassion, amazement, sadness, joy, peace, and more. At a few points I was almost brought to tears. It was obvious that love played a large part in the depictions. It was a wonderful experience that has stayed with me all day today, which happens to be the 20th anniversary of my mother's death. Reflecting on her life was a bit different for me this year, mainly because of your thought provoking work. Thank you so much. - Donna Coletti, Artist
Earth-Sky is a striking blend of artistic, spiritual and philosophical themes centered on the mystery of death, and the impact of loss upon the survivors. Roberto Mighty’s photography of the monuments we build to the departed, and of the glories of nature, sublimate loss into a deepened appreciation of life. The physical scene is a cemetery. The mind and soul of the viewer are enriched and changed as the film and its music, and above all its people and their stories, unfold to reveal the same scene at another level. It is an artistic achievement of a special kind, which seems to create a bond between physical nature, as presented in flowers and trees, and human nature, as presented in monuments and memories. The photography, the music, and the life-stories weave into a moving experience for the viewer. Mighty has created a work of art like no other I have ever seen. - Don Pfarrer, Author
" startles with the beauty of its visual imagery. And it's ultimately not a film about death; it's a celebration of life and a welcome reminder that we live on in the memories and the love of those we leave behind." - Charles Coe, Poet and City of Boston Artist-in-Residence
“Beautiful photography and music - a sense of the sacred and natural. Wonderful narratives. Very moving!” - Elizabeth Murphy
“Sensitive, amazing way to deepen our understanding of this magnificent place, to have the stories speak to us of their lives and those who loved them. Moved by the opening slave narrative & all the others we met. I had never thought about the drapery - why it recurs - the heaviness?” - Diane Pansen, Professor
“The program captured all that I love about Mt. Auburn Cemetery and more. It was moving and beautiful” - Anita Hill
“It’s hard to believe that I have lived in Boston and this is the first visit to this magnificent part of continuing American history!” - Hattie Goodman
“Poignant, sensitive, made with great care, an entry point, access and guide to the narrative and aesthetic landscape of the cemetery.” - Alden Ronald
“The visual integration of the natural beauty of the cemetery in the memorial stones & stories was beautiful. (I only heard (?). Clifford & friend was fascinating.)?? It was important to include both intense portraits/stories of families and those of well known/famous people. The connection with slaves/slavery/individuals who escaped or were freed is very moving and important. I didn’t know Harriet Jacobs is buried here & hearing the selection from her novel is so powerful & touching. Thank you.” - Phyllis Bretholtz
“Touching & poetic. Thank you.” - Stephanie Gaynos
“Powerful, mesmerizing, deeply moving” - Allen White
Beautiful conception and execution.” - Rob Vassall